Putting safety first - Siderise joins world-wide fire safety coalition | News | Siderise

Putting safety first - Siderise joins world-wide fire safety coalition

We are proud to become supporters of the International Fire Safety Standards (IFSS) Coalition — an ambitious initiative to raise the level of global fire safety standards.

The different approaches to fire safety around the world have resulted in notable variations in the design, approval, construction, and operation of buildings, significantly impacting fire risk. Launched in 2018, IFSS is an industry-led response to these differing – and sometimes non-existent – requirements. It aims to develop a set of common, high-level standards to address fire safety in the design, construction, and management of buildings. This will ensure consistency, save lives and restore public confidence around the regulation and control of fire safety measures.


As part of this work, in October 2020, the IFSS Coalition launched the International Fire Safety Standards Common Principles, with an overarching objective to “prevent injury and death from fire in the built environment and minimise the impact on communities, society and the natural environment”. The Common Principles will improve transparency and shared understanding and reducing the fragmentation of processes and the associated risk.


This marks an unprecedented international effort to address fire safety globally. By signing up as supporters, we are standing by the side of some big names in the global fire protection industry, including the Institution of Fire Engineers (IFE), the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS), the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA), Local Authority Building Control (LABC), the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and The World Bank.


External Affairs Director, Chris Hall, explains the significance:

“We have been developing, manufacturing, and supplying passive fire solutions for the UK and overseas markets for almost five decades, supporting our customers from the earliest design stages right through to handover. In that time, we have built up a wealth of knowledge of the challenges and opportunities specifiers and contractors face when ensuring the fire safety of their projects. As supporters of the Coalition, we hope to not only demonstrate our commitment to global fire safety but make a useful contribution to the vital work being done by the IFSS.”